The Top Forensic Meteorology Team in America

Click on a team member below to read their biography.

Our meteorologists have over 150 years of combined experience in meteorology, including in the National Weather Service, academic research, commercial forecasting, teaching, TV, and forensics. This provides us with a unique combination of meteorological fundamentals, cutting-edge technology, massive data resources, and analytical capabilities; in addition, we communicate complex scientific findings to clients, judges, and juries in an understandable way.

Meteorological Expert Services

Click on a service below to read its description.

Representative Clients

Lloyd's of London
Zelle Law
Wilson Elser
Levin Papantonio Rafferty
Cohen Law Group
Kelly Kronenburg
Burr & Foreman
Carr Allison
Rumberger Kirk
Cole, Scott & Kissane
Wallace, Jordan, Ratliff & Brandt
Barnes & Thornburg
Liberty Mutual
McGuire Woods
Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer
Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo & Cohen
White Arnold & Dowd
Rushton Stakely
Berkeley Research Group
Smith Currie Oles
Frantz Ward
Lanier Ford
Universal Property
Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial
Hand Arendall Harrison Sale
Perez Morris
First Solar
Baker Donelson
Morgan & Morgan
Abrams, Gorelick, Friedman & Jacobson
Lewis Brisbois
McManus Ateshoglou Aiello & Apostolakos
Berkshire Hathaway
Rawle Henderson
Baron Weather
Farber Brocks & Zane
Callahan & Fusco


Click on the left/right arrows or dots below to view more testimonials. Hover mouse over a testimonial to pause.

Forensics Inquiry

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